AHS Book Database 2005
Kunstorientiertes Handeln in der Begleitung von Veränderungsprozessen
gesammelte Aufsätze zu Methodik, Ästhetik und Theorie
2005: Paolo J. Knill
ISBN: 978-3-905680-01-0
Currently unavailable.
If and when this item will be back in stock is unknown.
Picking Clean the Bones
2005: Sally S. Atkins
Parkway Publishers
ISBN: 978-1-887905-03-9
No description
To Day
Poems and Poetics
2005: Margo Fuchs-Knill
EGS Press
ISBN: 978-0-9685330-4-8
At once subtle, luxurious, inquisitive, and philosophic, Margo Fuchs-Knill offers her poetry and thoughts on the makings of poetics in these writings—all in her distinctive Swiss-American pitch. Her poetic voice weaves its singsong way through topics as wide-ranging as nature, political views, imagination, spiritual musings, and love with the strongest thematic thread on the nature of time and how people choose to live in it, through it, and despite it. Also explored is her philosophical take on the how and why of poetry,-answering such questions as Is poetry peaceful? and Is the writing of poetry an act of peace?