Research Strategy
The Division of Arts, Health and Society follows the research mandate of EGS in fostering and pursuing interdisciplinary and trans-disciplinary research. AHS has a special responsibility to focus on the role of the Arts in research. We do so by encouraging a wide range of disciplinary inquiries, using philosophy, anthropology, psychology, and sociology to study the role of the Arts in promoting health and serving social well-being. In addition, we have developed a special interest in Arts-based research, in which the Arts are not only the subject of inquiry but also serve as one of the means of acquiring new knowledge. The development of Arts-based research is an exciting new research opportunity that AHS intends to promote.
In addition to these interdisciplinary efforts, AHS has a special trans-disciplinary focus. The Doctoral Program encourages research into practical applications of the Arts in Therapy, Coaching and Consulting, Education, Conflict Transformation and Peacebuilding. Our doctoral students and faculty are all practitioners as well as researchers, and we regard the practical application of their research as fundamental to our mandate.
The approach taken in the research and learning at EGS:
follows high ethical and scientific standards.
considers multiplicity in accepting the complexity of concrete issues. Research at EGS moves between disciplines, aspects and dimensions in a networking manner which grasps the interconnections of the whole, rather than reducing problems to parts according to disciplines and thereby generalizing solutions.
has a transdisciplinary scope that is oriented toward practice and concrete problems.
provides Professional development that combines advanced training with the daily life and practice of the professional.
establishes a partnership between students and faculty that emphasizes the importance of cooperation, mutual recognition and respect for their professional involvement as central to the quality of students education.